2024 Women in CRE: Kimberly Sigler, Robinson+Cole LLP

September 27, 2024 - Spotlights
Kimberly Sigler
Robinson+Cole LLP


What is your vision for the future of women in commercial real estate? My vision for the future of women in commercial real estate (CRE) is one with more women in leadership roles! During the past 25+ years of my CRE career and as a partner at Robinson+Cole in the Real Estate + Development Group, I have seen and supported the growth of women on the rise to senior level and leadership positions in corporate real estate and construction. I expect the continued growth in women CRE leaders will bolster mentorship opportunities for women entering CRE in the future leading to further growth of women CRE leaders.

What advice do you have for young women aspiring to enter commercial real estate? For young women aspiring to enter the commercial real estate industry (CRE), my advice is to believe in your potential and embrace every new project as a learning opportunity. I have grown my career over the past 25+ years as a CRE lawyer into leadership roles now as a Partner at Robinson+Cole by leaning into and learning from every new project whether as a team member implementing a lease database, negotiator of a lease for a global HQ, advisor on the installation of a solar array, or counselor on navigating re-opening offices and retail stores during COVID-19. Lean in and learn!



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