2025 NEREJ Women in Construction - Featured Woman-Owned Business: EB Williams Trucking

February 28, 2025 - Spotlights

Grace Williams

What inspired you to start your firm, and how has your vision evolved over the years?
The inspiration behind all of this is one thousand percent my husband and it just motivated us more when we started our family. The goal was always to have a more comfortable lifestyle, and more time together as a family. For me personally, one of my goals is to be able to give back to my community and anyone along the way I can. I have built so many incredible relationships along the way which has allowed me to reach this goal repeatedly and I hope to continue to do so for many years to come.

What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in running your firm, and how did you overcome it?
One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced is not having enough knowledge in my industry. I have had to learn a lot along the way and I’ve had to make sure i do my research before making certain decisions. Replacing a motor, replacing a dump body, expanding from a tri-axle to a tractor trailer, upgrading to newer equipment. I think looking back I could have done a lot of things differently but those decisions and obstacles have taught me how to make better choices for the company moving forward.

What’s been the most rewarding part of your leadership journey, and how have you grown as a leader along the way?
One of the most rewarding parts of this journey has been accomplishing goals that started out as just a “far-fetched dream.” Being able to buy a truck and really put the dream into reality is such a surreal feeling. There’s no one to fall back on there’s no safety net no days off it’s all you now. So when obstacles come up you can either let them break you or you can fight through them and let it mold you into the type of leader your going to be. I get to walk this journey alongside my husband who graciously works for me and without him I’d never be the strong leader I am today. I have learned and grown so much along this journey. I am able to find a work, home balance which also has given me the opportunity to show my two daughters how to be strong women and lead with confidence and courage.

What advice would you offer to women who aspire to lead and succeed in the A/E/C industry?
My advice to anyone starting out is to never give up. There is always going to be a lot of judgment, unsolicited advice and opinions that come along with any venture we embark on. You don’t always have to take someone’s advice, just because something worked for them does not mean that’s the right path for you, and that’s ok. Always trust your gut and keep your visions close to you because no one ever sees your goals and dreams the same way you do. There are no wrong answers here. Words I live by “what’s easy doesn’t last. What will last isn’t easy.” So when things get hard that just means your on the right path to building something that will not only be successful but will last for generations to come. Hustle hard, stay humble a big part in being successful has to do with attitude and approach.



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