SV Design
What is one project or achievement in your career that you are most proud of, and how did it impact your organization or community? The Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA was a transformative project for me, my team, the YMCA membership and the greater community. Our team was lucky to work with such a fantastic client who put serving the community’s needs first. It was inspiring and led to a creative working relationship, allowing us to take design risks and have fun with the project. SV Design benefited from the experience of being involved in such a great project and the community benefited from a new facility tailor-made for them. Membership has tripled and its been wonderful to see more people utilizing the YMCAs services.
What trends or innovations do you believe will shape the future of your field, and how are you positioning yourself (or your firm) to be at the forefront? The future is unfolding in unpredictable ways. Being flexible is paramount. This may include flexibility in how we do drawings, engage with contractors, and meet ever-changing deadlines. It also means more research on our end to stay on top of changing design trends and therefore designing spaces that allow for maximum flexibility on day 1 of the life of a building and down the road. Lastly, how we reach potential clients and expand our brand is more electronic, more targeted and more time-consuming. However, this evolution allows us to meet clients that really align with our core values.
Who or what has inspired you most in your career, and what advice would you share with the next generation of women entering the A/E/C industry? When my daughters were young, I loved reading to them about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As it relates to her career, here are a few thoughts. My first piece of advice: hold your head up high. Know your worth, be confident in the value you bring to the table, and do not be afraid to stand your ground. My second piece of advice: life is unpredictable. All we can do in each moment is prioritize the things that matter. Hopefully work is one of the (but not the only) inspiring and motivating forces in your life.
What’s your favorite way to recharge or get inspired outside of work? Getting outside hiking and seeing mother nature in action in all seasons brings about a calm in me.