Senior Sustainability Manager
Chapman Construction/Design
How has your career path changed in 2022? After 21 years in construction project management roles, I transitioned to being Chapman’s senior sustainability manager. My top priorities include oversight of our carbon neutral 2030 plan, serving as a resource on construction projects, leading our sustainability group, and reinvigorating sustainability within Chapman’s culture. This new role requires that I broaden my skill set, which has been both challenging and rewarding. It is fulfilling to hold a professional role that aligns with my passions outside work. I look forward to making more progress in 2023!
What was your most important professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2022? Climate change is an existential threat, and our company is undertaking a big step to make a positive environmental impact. We’re committed to making Chapman carbon neutral by 2030, becoming the first N.E. general contractor to do so. We are targeting EPA Scopes 1 and 2. We’ll eliminate our emissions with no offsets by electrifying our building and vehicle fleet while generating onsite renewable energy to support 100% of demand. Additionally, we are helping clients meet their carbon reduction goals with the careful selection of low embodied carbon materials and meticulous envelope, HVAC, and electrical detailing.
What person, project, transaction or market trend had the greatest impact on your industry this year? The market is quickly shifting toward decarbonization with commitments being made by public and private entities. Many leading organizations are pledging to become carbon neutral, citing environmental responsibility and talent attraction/retention. Behind the scenes, government agencies on the federal, state, and local levels are setting mandates and regulations, further accelerating the trend. The successful transition to decarbonization is dependent on several critical components: energy conservation, electrification of buildings and vehicles, phasing out traditional fossil fuels, and deployment of large-scale renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.
What emerging trends will drive investment and development in 2023? The state will issue new building codes this year, including an updated stretch energy code and a new municipal specialized opt-in code. The next evolution of the Massachusetts Climate Plan will include energy reporting provisions like BERDO 1.0. Mass Save will incentivize commercial new construction and major renovation projects that implement energy conservation measures, electrification, and renewable energy. The Inflation Reduction Act includes $370B to fund decarbonization, domestic production of clean renewable energy and energy storage. The shift to decarbonization will accelerate. New buildings will use less energy, fewer fossil fuels, and more renewable energy. Deep energy retrofit projects will increase exponentially.