Mass. Mortgage Bankers Association held it's 32nd Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers for 2009

February 12, 2009 - Financial Digest

MMBA's 32nd Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers for 2009

Shown (from left) are: Kathleen Herminghaus of Freddie Mac with MassMBA Foundation recipients Juan Bonills of Lawrence Community Works, Michelle Meiser of Allston Brighton, Robert Credle of Urban Edge and Joanne Campbell of Valley CDC.

Rich Goulet of The Appraisers Group with Steve Sousa of the Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Appraisers

Executive director Kevin Cuff with retiring Board of Directors Robert Lavelle

Featured keynote speaker Dr. Eric Rosengren, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Kelly Kasparian of Strategic Information Services with Lisa Gilman of The Appraisers Group

Certificate of Outstanding Achievement award recipient Ruth Dillingham of First American Title Insurance with award presenter, Kevin Cuff.

Distinguished Service Award recipient Amt Tierce of Fairway New England Mortgage stands with MMBA executive director Kevin Cuff



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