35 AllSun Trackers installed at Rock Point

February 23, 2012 - Green Buildings

Rock Point's solar trackers - Burlington, VT

Rock Point has completed a solar installation of 35 solar trackers that will produce 205,000kWh of power each year-- representing 60-75% of all energy used on the property.
The 147kW solar installation is a joint project between Rock Point School and the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont as part of a larger commitment by both of these organizations to energy efficiency, real life education and stewardship of the property on which is school and diocesan buildings are located.
The 35 AllSun Trackers, designed and manufactured by AllEarth Renewables, constitute a solar tracking system that harnesses the renewable energy of the sun to provide electrical power. The installation, which tracks the sun throughout the day and uses innovative GPS and wireless technology, is net metered, allowing electricity generated in excess of what is needed on the property to be fed back into the grid and credited against the two customers' bills.
Initially, AllEarth Renewables will own the system so they can take advantage of incentives not available to non-profit institutions. The Diocese and Rock Point School have entered into a 5-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with AllEarth, at the end of which they will purchase the system at fair market value, estimated to be 30% of the original cost of the equipment. Each institution will own a 50% share of the system.


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