77 new PCAMs among 243 to earn CAI designations - by Wesley Blair

February 05, 2016 - Owners Developers & Managers
Wesley Blair, Brookline Bank Wesley Blair, Brookline Bank

A community association operates as a government, a community, and a business, making it a truly specialized type of organization. Leading America’s 250,000 community associations are more than a million volunteers—homeowners who dedicate their free time to serve on boards and committees.

Board members, trustees and volunteer leaders working with the association or cooperative, have fiduciary responsibilities which compel them to make decisions that can have profound financial and social impact on residents. Receiving professional and accurate advice or guidance on issues such as reserves, maintenance, insurance, budgets, governance, contracts, the law, and rules can make the difference between prosperity and distress. 

Community Associations Institute’s (CAI) designations help ensure that professional managers have the knowledge, experience, and integrity to provide the best possible service to associations. Managers who hold a CAI designation have made a substantial commitment and investment in their education and career, and the welfare of the communities they manage.

Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM)

CAI awarded 243 career-enhancing designations—including 77 Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) credentials—between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2015. More than 2,700 managers have now earned a PCAM designation, the most prestigious and respected credential for community association managers.

The pinnacle of community association management, the PCAM designation is the highest professional recognition available nationwide to managers who specialize in community association management. The designation is awarded to experienced managers who demonstrate advanced skills and knowledge and who wish to be recognized among the best and most experienced managers in the nation.

What are the prerequisites for the PCAM designation?

• Successfully passed the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA) examination administered by Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB).

• Five years of direct community association management experience.

• Successful completion of all six professional management development program 200 level courses.


• M201: Facilities Management

• M202: Association Communications

• M203: Community Leadership

• M204: Community Governance

• M205: Risk Management

• M206: Financial Management

And completion of the PCAM Case Study, a comprehensive examination of an actual community association combining classroom instruction with an extensive on-site inspection.  The Case Study requires an in-depth review of administrative procedures, legal documents and communication as well as meetings with association managers, board members and key personnel.

Is your association putting its most valuable assets in the hands of the most qualified professionals? Search CAI’s Directory of Credentialed Professionals to find professionals who have earned a CAI designation or the CAMICB certification. Information on designations can be accessed at www.caionline.org/credentials. Professionals with CAI designations are listed in the online Directory of Professional Credentials at www.caionline.org/directory.

The CAI New England chapter congratulates and recognizes the following chapter members awarded the PCAM designation during the six-month period:

Kerry Beaulieu, CMCA, AMS, PCAM Mercantile Property Management Corp. Buzzards Bay, MA

Debra Davie, CMCA, AMS, PCAM Barrington Management Company Arlington, MA

Wesley Blair, III is the 2016 CAI-NE chapter president, and senior vice president at Brookline Bank, Boston, Mass.



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