A lot of confidence in the commercial real estate market this fall - by Gerry O’Connell

October 02, 2015 - Northern New England
Gerry O’Connell, KW Commercial CLCG Gerry O’Connell, KW Commercial CLCG

Reports from NAR research tells us that commercial real estate firms are reporting confidence and 75% of brokers are expecting increases in income, that’s a 4% rise over last year.  The Realtors Commercial Real Estate Market Survey for Q2 2015 found sales volume rose 9%from a year ago while sales prices increased 7% year over year. New job growth and low interest rates are additional factors impacting commercial real estate gains. Economic impacts abroad are making the U.S. very attractive for international investors.

Please visit www.realtor.org/commercial and look for the newly published “Commercial Connections” for more information regarding the strength of the commercial market nationwide.

We at NH CIBOR are still working hard to address commercial real estate issues both legislatively and locally in New Hampshire. We would love to connect with our colleagues in all New England states, and create allegiances that would make us all a stronger voice.  Please feel free to contact me with a view to working together on issues that affect us all.

I encourage all members of NH CIBOR to get involved at your local level, get involved with planning boards and zoning boards, and get involved with your local legislators.  Our ultimate public policy goal for making New Hampshire a better place to do business demands that we all get involved.  We need cities and towns to understand the benefits of good commercial real estate development, and we need our members to be on the ground to help educate and inform decision makers.  Please get involved, and let us know how we can help you to help your community and legislators.  NH CIBOR is here to help you and your communities.

Gerry O’Connell is the 2015 president of the New Hampshire Commercial and Investment Board of Realtors.



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