A message from the Founder: Goof off time

May 04, 2010 - Front Section
If life is supposed to be the pursuit of happiness, and a recent survey revealed that 74% of the population count the days till Friday (TGIF), then why not ask our government to do something about it? Here's a popular answer to unemployment: The United States becomes a mandated four-day workweek.
Result? Many larger firms might have to hire more help. That's good for the economy. Right now it's the workingman's taxes who finance the unemployed. Is that fair? Most of the employers I know have been forced to either close their companies, lay off employees, or cut pay, and then put in a four-day work week that obviously cuts more pay.
Here's an interesting question to ask our elected leaders, and since the newspaper is mailed on a regular basis to all the city mayors, reps, senators, and the governor, I am sure that at least one of them will give us the courtesy of an answer. Which one of those actions has the government used? Since we are taught as youngsters to lead by example, I am sure that the government has done some of those cuts. Maybe cut senators' pay or benefits that are paid for by us, the suffering, innocent taxpayers.
What do you think their answer will be? What does all this have to do with real estate? The answer? Everything! If the economy suffers, real estate suffers. Who caused the recent recession? The lawmakers for not upholding the law. And the government for deregulating the laws already in place. So a four-day week will give us all more time to goof off, relax, and enjoy all the leisure-time industries that many of us read about, dream about, and never get to attend. I can't wait to hear from the politicians on this matter. Do they work a 40-hour week?
Roland Hopkins is the founder of the New England Real Estate Journal.


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