A message from the president of REFA-CT

March 15, 2012 - Connecticut
As the middle of the REFA year has come and gone, I wanted to give you all an update on a number of initiatives that the Association has underway. But before I do, I want to share some good news. Thanks to a terrific effort by a whole bunch of people, sponsorship, and membership numbers are both up significantly from 2011.
Your board, which meets on a regular basis, has decided to improve three areas of the organization: the web-site, the golf outing, and the "sponsor value proposition". In that order, the progress of the respective projects is as follows:
* Web Site - The web site is being fully modernized. A consultant has been hired to shepherd a committee comprised of Darlene Lee, Derek Ezovski, Mark Schuman, Mary Yokose, and me. The ultimate goal is to include page redesigns, increased site functionality, substantially re-written copy and a number of photographic and computer graphic improvements. We are mid-process now and we expect to complete the redesign by June 1st.
* Golf Outing - A group consisting of Mark Vasington, Sandie Fitzpatrick, Steve Elbaum, Sharon Moran, and Mark Schuman has stepped back and taken a fresh look at the outing. Their recommendation, which has been approved, has been to upgrade both the venue and the event while leaving the participant cost of the event unchanged from prior years. The event will be held this year at the Great River Golf Club in Milford, which is a first class facility. The post event function will be more in line with a heavy appetizers mixer in the same vein as we do for the Annual REFA Gala. And, of course, we will have fabulous raffle prizes and awards for winners and losers.
* Sponsor Value Proposition - Frank Appicelli and Deanna Polizzo have undertaken the task of reviewing the "sponsor value proposition", i.e., what does a sponsor receive for its money. They will send their concepts and ideas to the board for consideration. The respective boards will then spend time in the upcoming months debating the merits and seeking input on any changes that might be made to improve the value of REFA sponsorship to the sponsors.
Please note that the above areas will be completed without the need of a dues increase. The REFA dues have not changed since REFA-CT was established as its own entity. Our goal is to continue to increase the member value while making REFA the most cost effective Commercial Real Estate Association.
Please feel free to email me at [email protected] should you have any comments or questions concerning REFA. I enjoy serving you and serving the organization.

George Yerrall, president of REFA-CT, is with RiverOak Investment Corp., LLC, Stamford, Conn.


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