ABC and GCI take action on workforce development

October 21, 2016 - Construction Design & Engineering
James Rudolph, Esq. is the managing partner of Rudolph Friedmann LLP, Boston and is the 2016 ABC-Mass. chairman, Woburn, Mass. James Rudolph, Esq., Rudolph Friedmann LLP

All of us prefer today’s booming construction industry to the near-depression we experienced just a few years ago, but increasing demand for qualified contractors brings its own set of challenges. None is greater than creating a pipeline to provide the skilled workers our member companies need to succeed.

Last month, both the ABC and Gould Construction Institute (GCI) boards took a step toward creating that pipeline. In a rare joint meeting, both boards took the highly significant step of approving the recommendations of a Workforce Task Force consisting of representatives from GCI, ABC and the Merit Apprenticeship Program (MAP). The task force stemmed from ABC’s strategic plan and its key goal of better aligningABC and its two training-related entities, GCI and MAP.

The primary recommendation of the ABC Workforce Task Force was the creation of a new advisory body, the ABC Construction Industry Workforce Council. The council will not be a governing body, but will advise the Gould and ABC boards on workforce development issues and serve as a bridge between ABC, GCI and MAP. It will provide a forum to discuss long and short-term goals, strategies and opportunities. It will consider how to collaborate to maximize results; ABC, GCI and MAP’s individual and collective roles and responsibilities; and serve as a bridge between the three organizations. Finally, the council will develop a “workforce brand” or image campaign that all three entities will promote.

Its membership will consist of two GCI board representatives, two MAP contractor representatives and two ABC Board-designated representatives. ABC and GCI’s presidents, the MAP director and a newly created ABC education and outreach director will be non-voting members. Council chairmanship will rotate between representatives of the ABC and GCI boards.

In keeping with its advisory role, the Workforce Council will not have its own staff, it will consider the task force recommendation to create a new role of ABC education and outreach director.  This position would focus on external outreach to students, schools and the industry at large and, internally, on better education of ABC members about GCI and MAP.

ABC member companies need a sufficient number of highly trained workers to make the most of the good times the construction industry is currently enjoying. The changes just approved by the ABC and Gould boards create a mechanism to ensure that our companies will have the talent they need. Our goal is to better serve our members’ needs while enhancing our position as an industry leader in workforce and training.

James Rudolph, Esq. is the managing partner of Rudolph Friedmann LLP, Boston and is the 2016 chairman of ABC-Mass. chapter, Woburn, Mass.



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