As 2021 winds down, so does my time as the ABC chairman. It’s been a great honor serving the organization and our membership and I’m prideful of the folks we represent and the organization we’ve built. This past year saw the continuing challenges with the pandemic, but it has been very satisfying to be able to convene again in person for chapter events, like the 2021 Excellence in Construction Awards event where we showcased the unbelievable work our members did this past year.
Unfortunately, the year is ending with what is to many of us the unwelcome news that Gov. Baker and Lt. Gov. Polito have decided not to run for a third term. The surprise announcement caught many of us off guard, but we wish the governor and lieutenant governor well in their future endeavors. In the meantime, we have the last year of their administration to continue the progress we have made together on things like removing barriers of entry to a rewarding career in construction, keeping public projects free of exclusionary and costly project labor agreements, and bringing equal representation to the licensed trade boards. The Commonwealth is a better place than the one the Baker team inherited, and ABC appreciates the opportunity to work cohesively with everything we’ve done together. We look forward to working with the next administration as a trusted voice that speaks for 85% of the construction workforce in Massachusetts.
As I depart, I do so knowing that ABC Massachusetts is in the very capable hands of Greg Beeman and the entire ABC and Gould Construction Institute (GCI) staff, who work tirelessly to support our membership. Incoming chairman John Cruz of Cruz Companies will take over and lead us in 2022 and I look forward to supporting him and first vice chair, Vera Vadeboncoeur of Fernandes Masonry. Both are exceptional leaders and respected voices for our industry, as well as being community leaders.
Lastly, thank you for the trust you’ve shown in me and for allowing me the opportunity to represent ABC as your chairman in 2021. I’m proud of the things we’ve accomplished. Enjoy the holidays and have a safe new year.
Kyle Reagan is the chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors Inc.-Mass. Chapter, and is CEO of DECCO Inc., Townsend, MA.