ABC Chairman’s message: New Gould facility means more training options

September 20, 2024 - Construction Design & Engineering

These are exciting times for ABC MA’s training affiliate, the Gould Construction Institute (GCI). And with finding and retaining qualified workers continuing to be the biggest issue in our industry, that translates to exciting times for member companies.

With the start of school on September 3rd, a new era began for GCI with the opening of our first bricks and mortar facility in Billerica. The new facility means more training options for ABC companies, including daytime training. GCI chair Drew Patalano of Medford Wellington Service Company (in whose building the new facility is located) myself and GCI daytime electrical teacher Dave Frongillo recently led a webinar on the new facility and what it means for our members. You can listen to a recording of the webinar on the ABC website.

We have also launched a fundraising campaign to help defray the new facility’s construction costs that offers great opportunities for members to be recognized for their support of GCI.

“Gould will train over 1,000 students this year,” said ABC MA board member and fundraising committee co-chair Jim Abbott of Claro Advisors. “We’re offering sponsorship opportunities ranging from buying a brick to sponsoring a room or the new facility’s front lobby.”

For the Gould Construction Institute and its new facility to benefit our members to the greatest degree possible, we need your input. I hope you’ll take a moment to learn more about GCI and how it can support your workforce development needs.

Joe Camilo is the chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors Inc.-Mass. Chapter and is the vice president/general manager at Tocco Building Systems, Billerica, Mass.



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