ABC Mass. chairman's message: ABC Future Leaders - by Joe Barbone

August 18, 2017 - Construction Design & Engineering
Joe Barbone,
ABC-Mass. chapter

Last month I had the privilege of speaking at an ABC Future Leaders event. And as beautiful as the views were from Marina Bay in Quincy, the people I met were even more impressive.

The Future Leaders Group engages young employees working at all levels of member companies to make them aware of what ABC offers, help them advance professionally and groom the generation that will eventually lead our organization and help bring it to new levels of success. Many members don’t realize that benefits and opportunities extend to all employees of ABC member companies, not just company leadership.

Also speaking that evening was Brian Jurgens, one of my predecessors as chair of the Massachusetts chapter, who was among the founders of the group, which was originally known as the Young Leaders. Brian spoke about the networking opportunities the Young Leaders opened to him, and how that helped him build up the network of clients for his painting company, W.T. Kenney. 

After being revamped and renamed in 2016, the ABC Future Leaders have grown and become more involved in the activities of ABC. Consisting of a 10-person board with Tiffani Tartaglia of Resource Options, Inc. acting as chair of the organization, it is run with input from ABC membership director Ken Ledwak. The Future Leaders provides information about training, apprenticeship, and offers employees rising through the construction industry with vibrant networking opportunities, all while promoting the merit shop philosophy and preparing dynamic young people to lead our organization.

But no description can match the experience of meeting and getting to talk with some of the finest young employees ABC member companies have to offer. If you think you or someone in your company could benefit from this group, contact Ken Ledwak at or (781) 273-0123.

Joe Barbone is the 2017 chairman of the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. – Mass. Chapter, Woburn, Mass. and is the president and CEO of Methuen Construction, Plaistow, N.H.



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