ABC welcomes Rich to workforce development and compliance position

January 31, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers

John Rich

According to ABC's Mass. chapter they have hired former Mass. director of apprentice training John Rich to the newly created position of director of workforce development, standards and compliance.
Rich, who is widely known for his expertise and commitment to construction training and fair labor practices, will promote workforce development and open shop contractors' role in the construction industry. He will also monitor union compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and work to ensure member compliance.
"We are thrilled to have John Rich join the ABC staff in this important new senior position. John's credentials in the industry and in government are outstanding, and he will be a valuable resource in promoting and advancing the workforce development agenda of ABC and assisting members with compliance, particularly in the apprentice training area," said ABC Mass. president Greg Beeman.
Rich began his work with ABC Mass. on January 14th.
"We have a first-class construction career school in the Gould Construction Institute and contractor members that are doing some great things in training and workforce development. Continuing, enhancing and spreading the word about these activities is important to the future of our industry," Beeman said.
John will monitor union compliance with rules that have largely been put in place for their benefit and at their urging. He will investigate violations and forward the information to appropriate enforcement agencies. For years, union watchdogs like the Foundation for Fair Contracting and the Construction Institute have been performing this role for the unions and attacking our members. In this new political environment in which union attacks will only intensify, it is imperative for us to fight back.
With years of experience at the helm of the Division of Apprentice Training, Rich is uniquely positioned to assist members with compliance, particularly in light of changing rules and procedures under the current administration. Rich, who is well known for his focus on fair labor practices and standards, will also work to ensure that there is a level playing field throughout the industry.


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