About Us | Artaic Innovative Mosaic

July 28, 2009 - Green Buildings

Artaic Innovative Mosaic, 21 Drydock Avenue - Boston, MA 617-418-1928, [email protected], www.artaic.com

Artaic is a full service provider of custom mosaic projects, from concept through installation. The creation of mosaic is brought to a new level, where art meets technology to make the medium more sophisticated.
Mosaic is an ancient art form with contemporary practice and timeless appeal - made from small pieces of colored glass, stone, ceramic or other material pieced together to create a pattern or picture.
Benefits of Mosaic:
A timeless aesthetic solution.
A truly unique surface finish that will differentiate any property.
Environmentally "Green"
Recyclable, Reusable, PVC-free, and low VOC.
Healthy Living
Tile is lead free, antimicrobial, does not attract dust and dirt or create static electricity.
It is the preferred finish for hospital operating rooms.
Lots of tile materials stand up to outdoor temperatures and wet use, e.g. patios and swimming pools.
Low Maintenance
Easy to clean, using simple and natural cleaning agents. Even as a floor, a quick sweep and mop are all that is necessary.
More durable than paint or wallpaper, and extremely resistant to scratching and deeper abrasions.
Does Not Fade
UV impervious. Even if exposed to direct sunlight, mosaic tile remains permanently colorfast.
Fire Resistant
Most tile materials will not burn or produce toxic fumes. You can even use it for hot cookware.
Energy Efficient
Stores thermal energy to stabilize temperature swings.


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