Advanced Communications provides integrated services for computer/data technology

June 17, 2010 - Front Section

Mike O'Rourke says his company, Advanced Communications and Media recently saved a client $800 per month using novel ways to consolidate their telecommunications carrier services. This represented a 50% savings over the company's previous plan.
With another client, one day after installing surveillance equipment, new cameras recorded an altercation outside the client's office, bringing a prompt response by police.
Another client, a daycare center, got a new phone system installed with no downtime - a major concern for the center's administrator.
O'Rourke said, "the 11 year-old Advanced Communications has developed a unique niche: Integrating cutting-edge technologies so a company's phone, computer/data and security systems seamlessly work together. When we aggregate all the services, the client gets the benefits of cost savings plus fewer headaches, working with just one vendor. We're a one-stop shop for assessing a company's needs, installation of equipment, ongoing maintenance and emergency repairs 24/7. We're pioneers in aggregating and simplification."
Many business people don't realize what today's technology can do, how easy it is to convert and aggregate, and how much they can save over their existing systems, says O'Rourke. Advanced Communications & Media offers plans starting as low as $19.99 per month. When all telephone, data and security administration is handled by one information services department, the result can be reduced staff and equipment savings.
Advanced Communications sells, installs and services phone, data and network security provides desktop support and remote IT networking solutions, and offers surveillance services such as IP networked cameras, and visual conferencing phones and monitors. "We want to be the hub of our client's communication world," said O'Rourke.
Advanced Communications offers a free, no-obligation site and system survey.
Contact Michael O'Rourke at 781-318-7091, or email [email protected]. Website:


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