Affordable Housing and Services Collaborative, Inc. receives Department of Neighborhood Dev. funding for Uphams Corner rehab. project

May 06, 2022 - Front Section

Dorchester, MA Affordable Housing and Services Collaborative, Inc. (AHSC), a nonprofit organization that owns and develops affordable rental communities, has received $886,000 from the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) to renovate and redevelop property at 392 and 614 Columbia Rd./Uphams Corner.

As a result of this commitment from the city, AHSC will now move forward with an application to the Mass. Department of Housing and Community Development for state resources necessary to rehabilitate and preserve affordable housing units at the property, which city officials have determined is a benefit to the community.

Located in the northern section of the neighborhood, Upham’s Corner, which is anchored by the historic Strand Theatre at 543 Columbia Rd., is an architecturally and historically significant commercial district. As such, AHSC can apply for Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit through the Mass. Historical Commission for the development project.

“We are thankful for the city’s support and commitment to reposition and preserve affordable housing for families in Uphams Corner,” said Michael Mattos, president and executive director of AHSC. “We look forward to taking the next steps to fully finance this important project for existing and future residents.”



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