Appraisal Institute
The Appraisal Institute (AI) is a global membership association of professional real estate appraisers with a membership of over 26,000 members and almost 80 chapters. Members of the AI benefit from an array of professional education and advocacy programs, and may hold the prestigious MAI, SRPA and SRA designations. Chapters vary from large urban areas (Metro New York/Houston/San Diego) to various states (Iowa/Mississippi/North Carolina) and regions (Upstate New York/South Florida). These chapters play a critical role in the success of the broader organization, promoting new appraisers to enhance and advance their appraiser knowledge and participate at both local and regional level. The AI supports all its local chapters with strong leadership and support structure which includes a variety of on-line and classroom education, numerous periodical and textbook literary resources, an advanced networking and marketing function, career and networking support services and various administration and support services. While headquartered and operating from downtown Chicago, AI’s influence spawns over the entire globe in over 60+ other countries (Canada, England, Germany, etc).
The AI is the acknowledged worldwide leader in residential and commercial real estate appraisal education. Its extensive curriculum of courses and specialty seminars provides a well-rounded education in valuation methodology for both the novice and seasoned practitioner. The key to its success is its extensive relationships developed through its local chapters, providing a systematic network of members and professional contacts to educate, discuss, and deliberate current residential and commercial appraisal issues with its members.
The NH/VT chapter is committed to helping members advance in professionalism and ethics, standards and practices through the professional development of property economics throughout the northern New England region. The chapter offers educational opportunities with courses for the starting appraiser to advanced appraisal courses. All AI members adhere to a strictly enforced Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Our membership includes over 80 residential and commercial appraisers who reside primary in New Hampshire and Vermont. Members include a broad array of individuals from life long (career) appraisers with years of experience and real estate related knowledge to entry level trainees with limited work experience and industry knowledge. Members generally congregate (meet) through five-chapter meetings which are typically held from the September to May (no summer meetings). These chapter meeting generally coincide with NH/VT AI board meetings allowing for organizational matters (finances, chapter recruiting, education planning, etc.) to occur in advance of two-hour continuing education seminars. The classes are held by local real estate professionals (brokers/bankers/economists), engineers, lawyers who provide insight into current market trends, conditions and occurrences. The classes focus on the issues/events related to the chapters’ regional area (NH/VT). Recent classes have included topics on local economic conditions, trends in commercial real estate, current use (tax) applications, advance applications in excel (applying to real estate valuations), valuations of mixed-use properties and vacant land. Additionally, the chapter also provides several continuing education classes annually, typically including a USPAP class and a hot topics class (ie: green buildings, updated residential concepts, solar applications). These classes are presented by professional presenters with advanced appraiser backgrounds and teaching experience.
The next scheduled continuing education class is scheduled for May 21st. The class involves current trends in land development and residential building costs. This is relevant to most appraisers given the current demand for all segments of residential and commercial real estate and recent escalation in development and construction costs. This seminar will be provided by a pair of land and retail/commercial development experts.
The time, directions and costs for the seminar may be found on The chapter has also scheduled two seminars in October and November for Hot Topics and Myths in Appraiser Liability (3 Hours) and Annual State of New Hampshire (economic) Update (2 hours).
If you haven’t already, please review some of the resources/members available to our members on the NH/VT AI website ( Please join us at one of our upcoming chapter meetings and events. We are always looking for new issues that impact appraisers and can help enrich their professional development.
Robert Concannon, MAI, is president of the New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter of the Appraisal Institute.