American Institute of Architects Conn. Chapter's 7th annual Canstruction competition raises over 22 tons of canned food

May 15, 2008 - Construction Design & Engineering

Canstruction art

More canstruction art

According to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Connecticut chapter, its 7th annual Connecticut Canstruction competition, held this past April at the Connecticut Convention Center was a success. This was by far the best year yet. Fifteen teams comprised of nearly 260 students and 70 architects representing 17 firms participated. Together they collected over 45,000 pounds of canned food. All the cans were shared by the Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare of Greater Hartford.
Planning for the Canstruction 2009 event is already underway. AIA Conn. has already received numerous inquiries from schools eager to participate in next year's event, so the chapter will need even more architects next year. AIA Conn. is always looking for sponsors to help underwrite the considerable costs associated with staging this event and volunteers to assist with the transportation of the cans from the schools to the location and for breaking down the structures.

Interested parties should email [email protected] and put 'Canstruction 2009' in the subject line.


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