Name: Andrew Ingalls
Title: Broker
Company: CBRE |The Boulos Company
Location: One Canal Plaza, Fifth Floor Portland, ME 04101
Place of Birth and Year: Portland, Maine-1958
Family: Married, three children- 12, 11, and 8
College: University of Maine at Orono, BS Business/Marketing
First job unrelated to your current field: Busboy at the Stagecoach
First job in current field: Commercial Properties, Inc. /1990
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: CBRE/Boulos Co. works with all commercial fields, and is in a terrific position to grow as the Northern New England economy improves from the current downturn.
Hobbies: Guitar, golf, skiing, etc. (all of which take a backseat to the three kids mentioned earlier)
Favorite novel: Sometimes a Great Notion (Ken Kesey)
Favorite film: Dr. Strangelove
Keys to success: Showing up (well, 90% of it..)
Person you most admire (outside of family): Walter Becker
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be: Session guitarist at Muscle Shoals