April 30 event features Richey on adventures of going green

March 18, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
ASM's board of directors extends an open invitation to attend a special networking event on April 30 that will feature a presentation by acclaimed mountain-climber, Mark Richey. Richey has not only scaled some of the world's tallest peaks, he is also founder and CEO of Mark Richey Woodworking & Design (an ASM member), whose fine millwork graces corporate offices and institutions throughout New England and beyond.
Inspired by first-hand observation of climate change on mountain landscapes, Richey and his company have made a corporate commitment to sustainable construction, starting with their own headquarters. He will talk both about his climbing adventures and his adventures "going green" - erecting a wind turbine and installing a biomass furnace at the company's Newburyport facilities, and developing the expertise to provide the green services that customers demand today.
The event takes place at the Newton Marriott, starting with a reception at 4:30 p.m. Visit the ASM website for details.


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