Arpin Group participates in “Paris to Pittsburgh to New England” event at New England Institute of Technology

July 12, 2019 - Rhode Island

Warwick, RI Arpin Group participated in the “Paris to Pittsburgh to New England” community action event at the New England Institute of Technology. The two-part event featured a panel discussion on climate change and a screening of “Paris to Pittsburg,” a new film produced by Bloomberg Philanthropies and RadicalMedia about the climate crisis.

“Climate change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at a defining moment,” said Peter Arpin, executive vice president of Arpin Group and president and co-founder of Renewable Now Network.

 The event was moderated by Dr. Karen Weber, and event panelists included U.S. Representative James Langevin; City of Newport mayor Jamie Bova; Greg Watson of the Shumacher Center; Naval War College Commander Andrea Cameron; Juan Lopez of the City of Boston; Debra Brown, Esq., from EPA Region 1; Troy Moon from the City of Portland, Maine; Lynn Stoddard of Sustainable CT; Ray Dube of Coca-Cola Bottling; and Lissa Bittermann of ecomaine.

Eco-Educator Awards were given to all panelists and presenting sponsors Arpin Group and Cardi’s Furniture. The Eco-Educator Award recognizes individuals and organizations who advocate, promote or administer environmental education and awareness to the community.



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