Arthur Slattery Partner Phoenix Realty Group

December 31, 2008 - Northern New England

Arthur Slattery

Name: Arthur Slattery
Title: Partner
Company: Phoenix Realty Group
Location: 104 Riverway Place, Bedford, NH
Place of Birth: New York City
Family: Wife Fran, Son Kevin, Daughter, Kathleen and Grandson Wyatt
College: Pace University and State University of New York
First Job Unrelated to your current field: District Sales Manager for Avery International in New York City.
First Job in current field: Sales Manager, The Norwood Group
What Your Firm Does Now and Its Plans for the Future? The brokerage division of Phoenix Realty Group specializes in the sale and lease of commercial and industrial properties in Mass. and N.H. with a emphasis on Investment Properties. We plan to continue working with clients and customers and building their trust Hobbies: Reading, Travel and collecting Scrimshaw
Keys to Success: Promote what you did, not what you intend to do. Only make promises you can and will fulfill. Write it down before you forget it.
Person(s) You Most Admire (outside of family): People who are willing to give of their time and talent to help others.
If You Had To Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be: Crew member aboard the U.S. Entrant in the Americas Cup races.


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