ASCE members attend QDC event

November 19, 2007 - Rhode Island

Stephen King

The local chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers were briefed recently on the present and future of Quonset Development Corp. (QDC) at Quidnesset Country Club.
Steven King, a fellow Professional Engineer and QDC COO, spoke about the vision of Quonset and the role that civil engineers will play in making that vision reach fruition.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is made up of individuals from all disciplines of civil engineering. ASCE members understand current industry technology and are part of a cutting edge team of civil engineers.
King highlighted the current opportunities and recent developments at Quonset. Many were surprised to learn that Quonset is home base for 8,200 jobs and 158 companies. Looking towards the future, King reviewed the capital budget for the Fiscal Year 2009. This includes funds for the demolition of old Navy building, construction of roads and repairs to piers and the bulkheads surrounding the Davisville Piers.


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