ASIS-Boston Chairperson's message: Thank you!

December 07, 2007 - Owners Developers & Managers

Eleonora Tumbiolo

I hope you were able to join us at the November 15th meeting at State Street Corp. along with guest ppeaker detective John McLean of N.E.M.L.E.C computer crime unit. Detective McLean provided us a great presentation on an introduction to cyber-crime and preparedness.

The Boston chapter conducted its 2nd CPP/PSI/PCI Review of 2007 during the month of October and November. We would like to thank Bob Michalski for making it a successful event, Marty Patnaude for hosting the event for our members at American Alarm and all the instructors who took time out of their busy schedule to teach various sessions.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me as the 2007 chairman. It's hard to believe how quickly the year passed. I had a great time and a fabulous experience being chairman this year but can not move on without thanking the entire board and committee members for all their support, hard work, dedication and friendship. Thanks to everyone's help, the Boston chapter was able to have another successful year for its members.
I want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your chairman.

Eleonora Tumbiolo is chairperson of the Boston Chapter of ASIS International, Boston.


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