Labor and Workforce Development on legislation dealing with predictive scheduling for employees
Last year the Massachusetts Department of Public Health issued a report citing construction as the leading industry for opioid-related deaths. Since then, ASM has worked with our industry partners to help raise awareness and help to reduce the stigma in the hopes to help more people come forward and seek help.
On April 24th ASM convened a forum on for members on the opioid crisis and its devastating impact it continues to have on the construction industry. The goal of the program was to deliver key takeaways in three areas: recommendations and best practices for employers to address opioids in the workplace, navigating the health care and recovery center systems, and finally, creating a recovery friendly workplace. Our speakers included Deidre Calvert, the new director of the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services with the Department of Public Health many other experts. Other construction and industry groups are providing similar tools and resources for their members. The goal remains the same- to help those in need and to turn back the trends and reduce the devastating impact opioid addiction can have on people and their families.
Safety Roundtable
When it comes to job sites, worker safety is always the top priority. The ASM Safety Roundtable regularly hosts educational seminars and events for members to stay current and learn about new laws or safety techniques. In April, the Roundtable conducted a plant tour of I&I Sling in Norwood and learned about the manufacture and use of slings and rigging. Members received hands on instruction and important information about improving safety on the job.
On May 22, the Roundtable will meet to learn about the new American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A92 Standards for aerial lifts and scissor lifts. Last changed in 2006, these important changes become effective in December 2019. The information will be critically important for anyone who owns, rents, operates, or supervises these machines. The new Standards will require companies to update their employee training as well.
The Roundtable is currently planning programs and sessions for the remainder of the year. Safety remains the most important aspect of every job and ASM commends the U.S. Department of Labor and OSHA for designating May 6-10 as National Safety “Stand-Down” week to prevent falls in construction.
Predictive Scheduling
In April, ASM testified at a public hearing of the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development with opposition to legislation that would impact all employers in the Commonwealth but would have a particular impact on construction. The bill, entitled An Act relative to scheduling of employers, would require employers to provide a week or more of notice to employees of their work schedule. While we acknowledged the concerns that the bill is attempting to address, there are unintended consequences that we believe would negatively impact subcontractors.
Construction is a fluid industry where job schedules can change with very little notice. Because of this, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for an employer to notify all their workforce a work schedules a week or more in advance. As an example, a subcontractor’s work typically is dependent on another trade completing their portion of the work and so for many workers, the start date hinges on the performance of others. Weather conditions, emergencies, permitting, safety, and logistics all play a heavy roll in construction schedules. ASM asked the committee to consider the uniqueness of the construction industry before advancing the bill.
24th Annual ASM Golf Outing
On July 15th, ASM will welcome nearly 300 golfers of all levels to The International in Bolton for a fun day filled with golf, prizes, and of course great food and networking. As usual, we will announce the recipients of our annual Scholarships which are open to our members along with their children and spouses. We are still accepting golfers and sponsorships although we usually sell out each year.
Michael McDonagh is the CEO of of the Associated Subcontractors of Mass., Boston.