AutoParkiT, the first fully automated parking facility, makes debut

July 03, 2013 - Owners Developers & Managers
Imagine a future free of parking hassles. AutoParkiT has built the first fully automated parking structure in an upscale apartment community. It's the first-ever system of its kind in Southern California that promises to revolutionize parking.
The AutoParkiT system has the capacity to park up to twice as many cars in the same space as a traditional parking structure as API has now shown with Los Angeles' pilot project for automated parking.
The system is surprisingly simple. Drivers enter the AutoParkiT facility through a traditional garage door, turn off their car, walk a few short steps to a kiosk, wave their key fob and their car is safely whisked away by the industrial proven, commercially adapted high tech system. Once parked, cars are safely secured in the structure.
Retrieval is just as easy. A wave of the key fob at an HID reader on any floor of the building initiates the process and approximately a minute later the car is delivered nose out ready to drive away. The dreaded process of slowly driving on endless ramps, hunting for a space, climbing stairs or crowding into elevators burdened with belongings at all hours of the day (and night) is a thing of the past with an AutoParkiT system. API has truly achieved the unachievable, intelligent parking: intelligent in its design, intelligent in its execution, and intelligent in environmental consciousness.
Because cars are not driven in the system, automobile emissions and gasoline usage are significantly diminished. Additionally, 24-hour ventilation and security lighting are no longer necessary because people are not in the system. This diminishes ongoing energy consumption by as much as half, further decreasing operating costs and increasing energy savings.
AutoParkiT, a venture led by LA's real estate developer Christopher Alan, is supported by strategic partners who are leaders in automation, integration and construction.
AutoParkiT has been praised by local officials for offering an innovative solution to an age-old problem; Wendy Greuel, LA city controller and mayoral candidate, called AutoParkiT the perfect parking antidote "for car-crazed Southern California."


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