Aynsley Catalano 2010

March 10, 2010 - Financial Digest

Aynsley Catalano Principal/Manager Catalano Associates, LLC

Name: Aynsley Catalano
Title: Principal/Manager
Company: Catalano Associates, LLC
Location: Duxbury/Boston, Mass.
Place of Birth and Year: Plymouth, Mass., 1972
Family: Wife Jennie & twin 3-year old boys (Tucker & Corde)
College: Bridgewater State, BS
First Job Unrelated to your current field: Construction industry
First Job in current field: Vendor/contractor for several national primary mortgagees such as Citi, GMAC, IndyMac etc. providing REO support services ranging from valuation & documentation.
What Your Firm Does Now and Its Plans for the Future? Catalano Associates, LLC is a provider of commercial real estate appraisal services. We also offer consulting and brokerage service. Going forward, I'd like to implement more technological tools/procedures that will enable the appraiser to dedicate most of his/her efforts on analysis and solution rather than data entry and document preparation.
Hobbies: Vintage European cars, architecture & tennis
Favorite Novel: Barbarians At The Gate
Favorite Film: Trading Places tied for 1st w/ The Big Lebowski
If You Had To Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be? A professional tennis player or an architect.


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