Bank Rhode Island Personality Profiles-Meiklejohn

April 08, 2009 - Rhode Island

Mark Meiklejohn

Name: Mark Meiklejohn
Title: Executive Vice President/Chief Lending Officer
Company: Bank Rhode Island
Location: One Turks Head Place, Providence, RI
Birth Info: Rhode Island, 1963
Family: Wife, Denise; 3 children, ages 19, 17 and 14
College: University of Connecticut, 1984
First Job: Short-order cook
First Job in Banking: Management trainee, Fleet Bank
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?: We strive to be the premier commercial bank in the communities we serve. Our goal is to provide our customers and prospects with the support they need to fulfill their business and investment objectives, especially in this difficult economic environment.
Hobbies: Family and baseball
Favorite Book: "The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara
Favorite Movie: "The Godfather"
Key to success: Integrity and the ability to listen well
Another vocation?: Owner of a minor league baseball team


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