Bank Rhode Island Personality Profiles-Silva

April 08, 2009 - Rhode Island

Joseph Silva

Name: Joseph L. Silva
Title: Commercial Lender
Company: Bank Rhode Island
Location: One Turks Head Place, Providence, RI
Place of Birth: Rhode Island, 1975
Family: Engaged
College: University of Rhode Island
First job: Department store
First Job in Banking: Loan Officer
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: We will continue to focus on assisting commercial real estate professionals grow their portfolio
Hobbies: All things sports related
Favorite book: "Next Man Up" by John Feinstein
Favorite Movie: "The Blues Brothers"
Key to Success: Clearly identify the client's needs and exhaust every option to meet those needs
Another vocation?: Herpetologist (scientist who studies reptiles)


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