Become a LEED GA prior to Greenbuild

September 23, 2010 - Green Buildings

Barbara Batshalom, NEXUS Boston

We're not shy about how we feel about the Greenbuild International Conference & Expo and the Build Boston Conference-heck with more than 40,000 attentive industry professionals in attendance, late November is your chance to impress potential clients, employers, funders and others.
So we invite you to consider taking the LEED Green Associate exam (if you're not already accredited). We're offering training in October to give you time to study for and pass the exam before the conferences.
Session 1: October 21-This introductory session provides an overview of the LEED program and the various rating systems, along with in-depth information on the LEED registration and certification processes. The session also provides details on the structure of the USGBC and GBCI and on various cost assessment tools to evaluate sustainable strategies. We will look at implementation of the LEED Program through various design processes. This session also begins to review in detail some of the credit categories of the LEED Program, including: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, and Energy & Atmosphere.
Session 2: October 28- This second session continues the detailed review of the credit categories of the LEED programs. We also cover the Materials & Resources and Indoor Environmental Quality credit categories with a focus on the LEED Building Design and Construction and Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance rating systems. We cover strategies and requirements including construction waste management, selection of building materials, ventilation, thermal and lighting controls, and toxins in building materials. During the final portion of Session 2, we go through review questions to give class members an idea of what to expect from the exam.
In addition, visit NEXUS to use free study guides, practice exams and flash cards sponsored by PPI.
Barbara Batshalom is the executive director of NEXUS Boston.


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