Benita Dunton 2009

February 04, 2009 - Northern New England

Benita Dunton

Name: Benita Dunton
Title: Associate Broker
Company: Magnusson Balfour Commercial & Business Brokers
Location: 95 India Street, Portland
Place of birth and year: Portland, Maine 1963
Family: 2 lovely daughters, 4 & 14
College: USM
First job unrelated to your current field: Fitness Center Instructor
First job in current field: Office Manager/Marketing
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: We specialize in Business Brokerage, Commercial Real Estate Sales and also do some leasing. It is our company goal to be the #1 Business Broker in Maine.
Hobbies: Hiking, swimming, reading, working out
Favorite novel: Dianna Gabaldon's Outlander Series
Favorite film: P.S. I Love You
Keys to success: Work Smart, stay focused and never take no for an answer the first time!
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): My daughter's preschool teacher! I could NEVER do what she does. She has the patience of a saint!
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be: Fitness Center Owner & Personal Trainer



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