Betsy Magnuson 2009

December 09, 2009 - Financial Digest

Betsy Magnuson President Herbert H. Landy Insurance Agency, Inc.

Name: Betsy Magnuson
Title: President
Company: Herbert H. Landy Insurance Agency, Inc.
Location: 75 Second Ave., Suite 410, Needham, MA 02494
Place of Birth and Year: Boston, Mass. - 1957
Family: Husband Ken, daughters Michaele and Joanna
College: Syracuse University - BS in Rehabilitation Counseling
First job outside of finance: Counseled inner-city youths
First job in finance or allied field: Processed policies for Landy Insurance
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Manage the agency, plan for the future, make critical decisions
Hobbies: Time with family, gardening, children's sports, time on the Cape
Favorite Movie: Life is a House
Key to success: Don't make snap decisions, think things through. Learn from your mistakes, be inquisitive.
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Artistic design.


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