BOND celebrates completion of $43m Wentworth Institute of Technology's Apartments at 525 Huntington Avenue

December 18, 2014 - Construction Design & Engineering

Shown (from left) are: George Hunt, David Shrestinian, Edward Bond, Jr., Zorica Pantic, Robert Murray, Charlie Hartinh and Alvaro Perez.

BOND celebrated the completion of construction for the 305-bed Wentworth Institute of Technology's Apartments at 525 Huntington Ave.
The facility brings apartment-style living to Wentworth with the goal of encouraging students to remain living on campus, improving a sense of community, and enhancing student safety.
BOND completed construction of the new complex within a tight 16-month time frame. The team's use of Lean construction techniques, including Pull Planning sessions, just in time deliveries, and an increased utilization of Virtual Design & Construction technologies, was instrumental in accommodating this fast-track schedule.
Collaboration with Wentworth and the design team at Beacon Architectural Associates allowed BOND to overcome a host of construction challenges, including building on a prominent, zero lot line site along Huntington Ave. Extensive mitigation protocols were put into place to minimize disruption to an abutting residential neighborhood and an adjacent MWRA sewer main line.
BOND also worked with the team members to conduct a value engineering study that amended materials used for interior finishes and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, yielding cost savings. This study also resulted in a change in the building's exterior envelope to a thin brick on precast exterior that was able to be installed quickly and efficiently.
BOND has been dedicated to the expansion of Wentworth's campus and the professional development of its student body for more than 20 years. Currently, 32% of BOND's senior management, project management, and field staff are Wentworth alum.
Past BOND work on the Wentworth campus includes the construction of two other residence halls at 555 Huntington Ave. and 610 Huntington Ave.; the renovation and expansion of the Ira Allen Building into the new Center for Sciences and Biomedical Engineering; and the completion of Sweeney Field, a practice site for club and intramural sports.
"BOND is proud to assist Wentworth in enhancing their students' collegiate experience by expanding their on-campus housing offerings," said BOND president Robert Murray. "We're excited to see how this facility will positively impact the campus and the surrounding neighborhood."
"We are thrilled to celebrate this major milestone for the Institute," said Wentworth president Zorica Pantic. "By providing our growing student body with access to additional on-campus housing, we are cultivating a stronger campus community that will return results in higher rates of academic success."
Shown (from left) are: George Hunt, BOND assistant project manager; BOND senior vice president David Shrestinian; BOND CEO Edward Bond, Jr.; Wentworth president Zorica Pantic; BOND president and Wentworth Trustee Robert Murray; BOND senior project manager Charlie Harting; BOND MEP manager Alvaro Perez.


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