Bryan Taberner 2009

July 08, 2009 - Spotlights

Bryan Taberner

Name: Bryan Taberner, AICP
Title: Director of Planning and Community Development
Company: Town of Franklin, Dept. of Planning and Community Development
Location: 355 East Central St., Franklin, Mass. 02038
Birthplace: Worcester, Mass.
Birth Date: 1959
Family: Married over 30 years, two grown children
College: Clark University, Worcester, Mass., BA Environmental Studies, 1993, Master of Public Administration, 1995
First job unrelated to your current field: Worked a variety of positions in construction and facilities management fields.
First job in current field: Worked as environmental planner for two consulting firms in southern Calif.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? The Dept. of Planning & Community Development maintains a professional staff that provides the town of Franklin with an array of planning services. DPCD's mission is to plan and implement policies and initiatives that work to fulfill the land use related goals of the people of Franklin. We make every effort to maintain the character of the community while enhancing its economic vitality.
Hobbies: Oil painting, hiking
Keys to success: Patience may be the most important trait of individuals that excel in the public sector planning field, and of course, good customer service skills.
If you had to choose a different profession; what would it be? If I could start over I would work towards a career in architecture, with a focus on urban design.


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