With the new clean energy bill recently proposed by house speaker Sal DiMasi and endorsed by governor Patrick, it is safe to expect that we are about to enter a period of unprecedented demand for green, energy-efficient buildings. The tax incentives and other provisions of the bill are sure to have a major impact on the incorporation of energy efficiency and other green concerns in home building and sales.
Nowhere is one able to gain a better understanding of clean energy and green building than at the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association's (NESEA) Building Energy Conference and Trade Show (BuildingEnergy08), March 11-13, at Boston's Seaport World Trade Center. The Northeast's premier conference and trade show for renewable energy and green building professionals, BuildingEnergy has consistently offered innovative solutions and cutting edge advice on how to achieve major reductions in energy consumption over its 33-year history.
"Tools, Actions, and Solutions," the theme for NESEA's BuildingEnergy08, will feature world-renowned experts in various workshops and sessions. Over 150 experts in the fields of sustainable energy and green building will speak in nine distinct tracks and pre-conference workshops. Topics will focus on: renewable energy systems for architects and designers; carbon foot-printing; wind and solar-powered buildings; super-insulated homes; multifamily updates: benchmarking, retrofits, rehab, and new construction; residential renovation; air tightness vs. ventilation, healthy cleaning and building maintenance practices; climate change, and green and energy efficient campuses and institutions, among others.
The three-day event offers a rich schedule of activities. Tuesday evening's free public forum, The Boston Green Tea Party: An Energy Revolution! will be moderated for the third year by Jim Braude, host of NECN's NewsNight and co-host of Eagen and Braude, 96.9 FM. Alex Wilson, president, Environmental Building News, is the keynote speaker for the Plenary Session on Wednesday morning, March 12.
A green trade show will feature over 150 exhibitors with the latest green products and services home owners are seeking. A trade show reception Wednesday evening is an opportunity for attendees to enjoy exceptional information sharing and networking opportunities with other professionals working on clean energy generation and green building design and construction. Following the reception will be a green silent and live auction and Pecha Kucha. Pecha Kucha is an informal and fun opportunity for presenters to show off their creative projects in a clear and concise manner. Selection of presenters will be explained on www.buildingenergy.nesea.org.
Sandra Thomas, director of BuildingEnergy08, is pleased to invite people with various interests whether it be making their buildings or homes more energy efficient, utilizing renewable energy technologies in new or existing buildings, or improving indoor air quality, for cutting edge information, this is the conference to attend. She states, "BuildingEnergy08 is recommended for architects, engineers, builders, building systems designers and owners, facility managers, climate change professionals, developers, investors, policy makers, real estate professionals, planners, municipal and building code officials, sustainability coordinators and students."
Online registration for BuildingEnergy08 opens Dec. 21. By going to www.buildingenergy.nesea.org, one can register and find detailed information on the conference, a list of sessions and workshops, sponsors, and trade show exhibitors.
With America being the world's largest energy consumer and contributor to climate change, the challenge to reduce energy consumption is particularly crucial. The technology to make substantial reductions in energy consumption exists and is being advanced every year. Clear, economically viable choices to improve lives and use resources are available.
The strength of NESEA is the diversity of its members, which include professionals, consumers, and advocates who are committed to the use of energy resources and whole- systems thinking. Many attendees are leaders and pioneers in the field of energy efficiency and renewables. For decades NESEA members have been advocates for sustainable building practices and policies.
Building Energy Conference and Trade Show to be held March 11th - 13th at Seaport
November 27, 2007 - Front Section