Bulfinch Cos. signs BWWC’s “The 100% Talent Compact”

March 17, 2023 - Front Section

Boston, MA The Bulfinch Companies, Inc. (Bulfinch) formed a new partnership with the Boston Women’s Workforce Council (BWWC), committing to eliminating the gender/racial wage gaps.

Bulfinch has signed BWWC’s 100% Talent Compact, a pledge to help remove visible and invisible barriers to women’s advancement.

Founded in 2013, BWWC leads a unique public-private partnership between the Boston mayor and Greater Boston employers dedicated to eliminating the gender/racial wage gaps.

“The heart of Bulfinch is our people,” said Bulfinch’s managing director, COO, Pamela Yang. “We are proud to join BWWC’s mission to close the gender and racial wage gaps. BWWC’s vision of making Boston the best place for working women aligns with Bulfinch’s efforts to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion for our team, industry, and community.”

“BWWC is thrilled to have Bulfinch join the Compact,” said Kimberly Borman, executive director of BWWC. “We are excited to see another commercial real estate company commit to this initiative and inspire other companies in Boston’s CRE industry to join the movement.”

The partnership with BWWC further enhances Bulfinch’s commitment to pay equity. In 2021, Bulfinch signed the CREW CEO Pledge for Action to advance women and DE+I. CREW’s initiative is designed to hold CEOs, and their employees, responsible for implementing initiatives that support diversity, equity and inclusion, and for measuring and evaluating progress.



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