Burt Hill's 60,000 s/f Deutsche Bank office earns LEED Silver

January 13, 2010 - Construction Design & Engineering
Deutsche Bank's Boston office has been awarded a LEED Silver rating as established by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute (GCBI).
Burt Hill designed Deutsche Bank's 60,000 s/f office space, which achieved LEED certification for energy use, lighting, and water and materials use, in addition to a variety of other green design strategies and features. These include:
* Low flow water closets, waterless urinals, and efficient faucets at lavatories and pantries, which result in a water usage reduction of 31.79%.
* Energy efficient lighting and Energy Star equipment (appliances, copies, printers).
* As part of the Deutsche Bank Green initiative, green power has been purchased to offset the power used for all facilities.
* On-site recycling collection area.
* Reuse of furniture and furnishings.
* Recycled content was about 25% of the cost of materials.
* Low emitting materials and finishes.
* Task lights and thermostats for increased user comfort and control.
* The office is located in a LEED EB rated building.
* Proximity to public transportation.
According to Gina Bocra, AIA, LEED AP, director of sustainable design at Burt Hill, "We are proud of our work on the Deutsche Bank Boston project. As designers, it is our responsibility to protect people, and be conscious of the health, safety, and welfare of those who use and occupy our buildings. We need to act globally by using sustainability as an approach to protecting the planet and humanity."


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