Business development Top 10 tips

June 06, 2013 - Front Section

Chuck Sink, Chuck Sink Link

The following 10 Tips will set you on your way to being the top brand in your market - if you actually work at them.
1. Articulate your messages clearly. Choose words that paint the picture of successful outcomes from doing business with you. Shelve the mission statement. What's your brand promise?
2. Participate in your networking groups. Unless you get out in the field and start shaking hands, getting to know key players in the market, you will remain obscure. There is no substitute for human contact and warm relationships.
3. Invest time on LinkedIn. This is the place where serious business people network online. You need to build your profile to be 100% complete. Then you have to participate in the amazing discussions share content. LinkedIn means business!
4. Deploy email marketing. This doesn't mean e-blasting promotional messages. It means delivering valuable information to your target market. Email has the highest ROI in marketing!
5. Shut up and listen. Get interested in what other people are saying and forget about your own needs when engaging in networking conversations. Be a connector.
6. Engage in free speech. You're the real estate expert! Show 'em what you know! Go out and speak at civic clubs, business events, luncheons, trade shows, conferences - keynotes and breakout sessions; anywhere gatherings of potential clients, vendors and partners take place.
7. Draft relevant, value based articles. Submit them to business editors in your industry publications. Editors need content - yours! Use a copywriter if you lack writing skills.
8. Advertise when and where you can afford it. For some, such as retailers, this is a constant necessity to keep awareness high and perceptions accurate. For others it's a good investment in building awareness and identity for long term growth.
9. Tell your business story. Clients do want to know the backgrounds of people with whom they do business. Bottom lines are also affected by congruence of fit and strength of relationships.
10. Expect results in due course. People make the mistake of testing these methods and giving up after a short term effort. This isn't about getting, it's about building. Builders attract people (clients) to the edifices they create.
Chuck Sink is president of Chuck Sink Link, Hopkinton, N.H.


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