By Michael Kelly and John Mancini - The Law Offices of Michael A. Kelly's practice expertise encompasses all facets of real estate and construction law

October 27, 2011 - Spotlights

Michael Kelly, Law Offices of Michael A. Kelly, P.C.

John Mancini, Law Offices of Michael A. Kelly, P.C.

The Law Offices of Michael A. Kelly, PC (MAK) is a fast-growing firm focused on delivering exceptional service and successful outcomes for our clients.
MAK is led by its founder, Michael Kelly, a seasoned litigator with an exceptional track record in real estate and construction law, and John Mancini, whose 13-year career has focused on real estate, business, and corporate law.
Together they bring the litigation and management skills required to build and grow a law firm with unique character, focus and staying power.
Proven legal expertise, highly personalized service, and relentless dedication to your success are just a few of the things that differentiate the Law Offices of Michael A. Kelly from other firms.
With a proven track record across real estate, construction, environmental, and business and corporate law, the Law Offices of Michael A. Kelly has the expertise you need to overcome business and personal obstacles and pursue new opportunities.
MAK's practice expertise encompasses all facets of real estate and construction law including: acquisition; financing and disposition of real estate; contracts; environmental disputes; construction; permitting; land use and development. Our focus also includes business litigation, corporate law and mediation. We handle transactions and disputes of all sizes and complexity levels on a daily basis.
Experience the MAK difference for yourself. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you overcome an obstacle or take on a new challenge.
MAK's business & corporate law practice is committed to guiding and advising our clients- from start-ups and small family-owned companies to large public entities- to help them achieve their growth and prosperity goals.
MAK's business litigation practice covers all aspects of real estate and business law.
MAK's construction law practice counsels and represents a broad range of construction industry clients throughout R.I. and Mass.- from family-owned and closely-help businesses to large public and privately held corporations.
MAK's recognized and highly respected real estate practice focuses on the representation of developers.
Our clients include major national, regional, and local developers of properties of all kinds, including office, industrial, retail, residential, and mixed-use.
A now leading part of our business is appealing taxes for commercial and large residential properties.
Real estate values have plummeted. In some areas, fair market values have gone down by a much as 50% or more. Correspondingly, R.I. and Mass. cities and towns have not reduced their tax assessments in accordance with the vast reduction in values.
We have had great success in appealing tax assessments and obtaining abatements in tax assessments in both R.I. and Mass. over the last few years. Some commercial clients have seen their tax bills go down by 30% to 40% and even more. The reductions have resulted in our clients receiving substantial checks and/or substantial future credits.
In certain circumstances, we will entertain a contingent fee arrangement in regard to these matters.
Michael Kelly is founder and John Mancini is a partner with The Law Offices of Michael A. Kelly, P.C., Providence


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