CAI president's message: Chapter employees and events

March 06, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers

Claudette Carini

Just 3 months into my 2nd chapter presidency in 10 years, it is amazing to me how far the New England Chapter of the Community Associations Institute (CAINE) has come since I lasted served as its president in 1998.
A new and expanded chapter magazine format has made Condo Media an even more valuable resource for thousands of community association board members and managers throughout New England. Readers have expressed overwhelming approval of the changes noting that the magazine offers timely and practical information that can be used to address and resolve problems confronting today's community associations. For a complimentary copy of Condo Media magazine contact the chapter office at 781-237-9020.
When I was last president of the chapter, the only employee of the chapter was its chapter executive director, Claudette Carini. Now in addition to Carini who has been the executive director for more than 14 years, the New England Chapter has a total of four full time staff members. While more hours can now be devoted by professional staff to the many services and products provided to members, that hasn't dampened the enthusiasm of the hundreds of chapter volunteers from around New England who serve on more than a dozen chapter committees and boards. While there are certainly many volunteers who have been around for years, the majority of volunteers and leaders are new to the Chapter since 1998. Our organization has always sought new blood, which has contributed to the Chapter's continued success.
By the time you read this article, the annual Banquet and Casino Night will be over and early reservations indicate it will again be a smashing success. We are all now looking forward to the next big social event, the golf tournament on June 19, 2008.
For those of you who only read this message and don't attend any of the events or the many seminars, I encourage you to do so. The networking opportunity alone makes it worth the trip. For a listing of upcoming chapter events visit CAINE

Richard Brooks, Esq. is the 2008 CAI New England chapter president, Wellesley, Mass.


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