CCIM-New England President's Closing Remarks

September 26, 2007 - Front Section

Peter Tilden

As this is my last chance to address the membership in this article as the president, I would like to acknowledge people who have had an impact on the chapter. Volunteering one's time for an organization such as this is a commitment of significant time and effort. Most of the time spent on chapter business is done after hours, while keeping the time spent during work hours for just that; your day job. The membership sometimes may not appreciate what sacrifices the officers and committee members make on behalf of the chapter, but I can speak from experience that it is a sacrifice of one's free time. We do this knowing what our responsibilities to the chapter are and accept the challenges and rewards that come with the territory. It has been a hectic but satisfying year and I am happy do have served the membership to the best of my ability.
As I mentioned, there are many people who should be acknowledged for their contributions to the chapter. Hopefully, I will not miss mentioning anyone, but if I do, I apologize beforehand for the oversight. So here goes, and in no particular order of importance: Bob Yale, Sperry Van Ness/ComVest Realty, chair of the Scholarship Committee: Bob will be stepping down this year after many years as chairperson. Tom Carroll, RE/MAX Partners: Tom will also be stepping down to spend a couple of years concentrating on college choices for his kids. Ed Jackson, Amidon Appraisal in Maine, education committee chair: Ed will stay on for one more year which will make the next president's job easier. Jeanne Barreta, Briggs Capital RE, education committee member: Jeanne is a CCIM Institute faculty member, and will move up in the chapter hierarchy to be announced at the elections dinner on Oct. 4th. Sandy Brown, Cale Comm'l. Realty Group, secretary: Sandy will add VP of the NE CCIM chapter to his other real estate organization titles for this coming year. John Miller, AEW Capital Management, immediate past president and sponsorship chair: John will be working on the CCIM Partners event this spring. Paul Natalizio, Cornerstone Realty Consultants, golf event chair: Paul will continue to participate in chapter events next year. Sam Thomas, treasurer: Sam will rewind and get back involved in some capacity. Joel Kahn, Calkain Companies, Inc.: Joel will stay involved as a guest speaker. David Eaton, Eaton Partners, will continue his very well attended Resume Review course. Art Jovellas, Vestport, Inc., information tech. chair: Art will continue as IT chair and move up in the chapter hierarchy also to be announced on Oct. 4th. Deb Stevens, The Stevens Group: Deb is a chapter gold sponsor and will add her counsel and advice going forward. Doug Smith, Eastern Bank, First VP: Doug will continue to be involved in the chapter on the Partners Event next spring, and as the Region 11 VP for 2008 for the CCIM Institute. Christine Gray, GBREB, chapter administrator: Christine will lend her talents with us again next year. Chris Norwood, NAI Norwood Group, VP: Chris will move into the president's position for the fiscal 2008 year. Several new committee members will also be announced.
Again, many thanks to all mentioned above and I will continue to stay involved in the capacity of Sponsorship Chair for 2008.
Peter Tilden, CCIM, is the president of the NE CCIM chapter and is director of leasing for Aegean Capital, LLC 100 Corporate Place, Peabody, MA.


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