Chairman's message: ABC continues to be active leader

December 16, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering

Chairman Gerald Simmer Shawnlee Construction Plainville, Mass.

This will be my last message as chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors of Massachusetts. The past year has flown by despite the fact that, for many Massachusetts businesses, it has been a difficult year. Despite all that employers and employees have faced, we must press on and continue to do what is asked of us.
I'd like to share with you some brief highlights of noteworthy events and achievements that ABC Massachusetts was able to accomplish this past year:
CBS Scene Networking Night at Patriots Place: CBS Scene is a three-story state-of-the-art restaurant equipped with over 135 high-definition displays featuring some of the most exciting entertainment, news and sports programming in the world. As part of the festivities, we welcomed new ABC members and members of the local board of directors of the National Association of Building Owners and Managers (BOMA).
Division of Apprentice Training Seminar: ABC and the Gould Construction Institute (GCI) teamed up to host David Wallace, the director of the Division of Apprentice Training in Massachusetts who delivered a presentation to the membership about developing sound apprentice training programs.
ABC is an active participant and leader in the green construction industry in Massachusetts. On several fronts, we have engaged communities, businesses, and construction companies to demonstrate the value and potential of green construction. ABC has an active green committee of over 20 members whose mission is to serve as a resource for ABC members and be the clearinghouse for information on green and sustainable construction practices and training. These efforts have led to collaborations with the GCI to develop green training programs.
Our efforts to promote the principles of free enterprise and competitive bidding also garnered the support of both the Boston Herald and the Boston Business Journal. Both newspapers ran editorials in opposition to the use of project labor agreements (see: Boston Herald - "Political Payback" 9/27/09 and Boston Business Journal - "PLA's a Tax on Competition" 9/25/09).
I look forward to continuing my involvement and membership with ABC. Additionally, I look forward to the leadership of our incoming chairman, Kyle Reagan of DECCO, Inc. Kyle has been active on both our diversity and government affairs committees. He will be a dynamic leader whose industry knowledge, experience, and optimism will serve our association well.
On behalf of ABC, I wish you, your company, and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy holiday season.
Gerald Simmer is the president of Shawnlee Construction, Plainville, Mass. and is chairman of the Associated Builders and Contractors-Mass. Chapter, Burlington, Mass.


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