Chairman's message: More fair & open comp. legislation

March 15, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering

Michael Bellaman, ABC

Last month I wrote about eight common-sense bills supported by ABC that were filed for the current state legislative session. This month I'd like to focus on how we got to the point where more legislation that supports fair and open competition is being proposed.
In recent years, ABC has ramped up its work to support members of both parties who espouse fairness in the construction industry. Much of the credit goes to you, our members, who have provided the financial resources to help those candidates. We appreciate your dedication to our cause and know that, especially in these times, there are plenty of other places that money could go.
One of the key vehicles we use to support friendly candidates is Associated Builders and Contractors of Massachusetts' political action committee. As we prepare our annual solicitation of funds for the PAC, I hope that we can count on your support.
With the help of our lobbyist, John Bartley, ABC uses the money strategically to help develop new relationships and support proven friends. As a result, the PAC has played an important role in increasing our influence on Beacon Hill.
As the year goes on, ABC will also ask you to participate in a few fundraisers for key state officials. With 17 of the 20 PACs that donate the most to candidates being labor organizations, Massachusetts is a challenging state in which to make the case for the benefits of fair and open competition, and there have been high-profile races in recent years that didn't turn out the way we would have wanted.
Nonetheless, ABC's influence on Beacon Hill is immeasurable stronger than it was just a decade ago. That influence can be seen not only in the filing of more bills that reflect ABC's positions, but also in our inclusion in a number of state commissions appointed to address important construction industry issues, such as the Construction Reform Commission.
We know economic conditions remain a challenge. As a result, we work to limit how many times we come to you to support our policy agenda. We hope we can count on you to answer the bell this time by making a contribution to the ABC PAC and helping us continue to expand our influence on Beacon Hill.
Thomas Descouleaux is the chairman of the Mass. Chapter of the Associated Builders & Contractors, Woburn, Mass. and is the senior vice president of R.H White Construction Co., Auburn, Mass.


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