Charles Harvey Vice President of Investments UBS Financial Services

December 11, 2008 - Financial Digest

Charles Harvey

Name: Charles Harvey
Title: Vice President of Investments
Company: UBS Financial Services
Location: 1099 Hingham St., Rockland, MA 02370
Birthplace and year: Wilmington, Del., 1959
Family: Wife, Kathy; children: Jake, Kaitlyn, Stephanie
College: University of Denver, BS, Business Administration with double major in Finance & Marketing
First job outside of finance: Sold hot cocoa for Carnation Corp.
First job in finance or allied field: Securities industry for Paine Webber
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I specialize in investment management for the individual and corporation and retirement plans. My philosophy is based on adhering to a long term strategy.
Hobbies: Certified lacrosse referee and coach, boating
Favorite book: Anything by Nelson DeMille, esp. "The Lions Game"
Person you admire most (outside of family): Jack Lebel (former president of Mass. Board of Realtors)
Key to success: Listen to your clients
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Lacrosse coach


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