Charles Nilson 2009

February 12, 2009 - Financial Digest

Charles Nilson

Name: Charles Nilson
Title: Chair, Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Association
Company: J. P. Morgan Chase
Location: 400 Blue Hill Dr., Westwood, MA 02090
Birthplace and year: Chicago, Ill., 1959
Family: Wife, Jill; children: Victoria, Andrew
College: Miami of Ohio, BS, Finance; Case Western Reserve University, MBA
First job outside of finance: Beacham Products - territory sales rep
First job in finance or allied field: Society Bank - management trainee
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Focus on (1) legislative and compliance support, interact with the Division of Banks; (2) Education - help membership be compliant and provide education around loan officer financing; (3) Address changing membership.
Hobbies: Cyclist, skier, travel with family
Favorite book: "Back Bay" by William Martin
Favorite movie: "Gran Torino," "Braveheart"
Person you admire most (outside of family): Richard Branson, entrepreneur
Key to success: Enjoy what you do.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Run a bed and breakfast with my wife


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