Choosing the right pavement contractor for cost savings

January 03, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers

Michael Musto - U.S. Seal-Coat

While asphalt may seem like a very simple product, maintaining it for the greatest longevity as well as the most favorable appearance of your property is far from a simple matter. The asphalt maintenance service that you choose can have a significant impact of the long-term costs of keeping your parking areas in top condition.
When it comes time to choose an asphalt maintenance contractor, keep in mind some basic selection criteria to simplify your task as well as ensure a satisfactory conclusion to your search.
Full service paving is a must
There are different aspects to pavement maintenance, and if a contractor specializes in just one of those aspects, such as paving or repaving, that is the type of work they will invariably try to sell. It is surely a waste of money to repave an entire parking lot that could otherwise be reclaimed with combination of cut and patch paving repairs, crack sealing, and sealcoating. It is equally a waste of money to sealcoat over badly deteriorated pavement that really does need to be replaced.
Rather than deal with a contractor, who is biased towards one particular fix for any given problem, look for a professional who is equipped to handle the full range of pavement maintenance services.
Common sense considerations
We live in a highly litigious society, and any work on your property presents liability exposures. Check to see that any candidate carries adequate liability and workers' compensation coverages. A reputable contractor will gladly provide you with certificates of insurance. If you have any questions regarding what limits of coverage are adequate for someone working on your property, check with your own insurance carrier.
Your pavement contractor should have a professional manner. Meetings should leave you with an assurance that your own standards will be met. Quotes should be delivered in a complete and timely manner. You should be comfortable with the advice delivered by the contractor you choose.
There are many new startups in the paving and sealcoating businesses each year and a number do not survive. For the professional property manager, the best advice is to let the startups practice on someone else.
Progressive maintenance is key to saving dollars
What is the most cost effective time cycle for performing pavement maintenance? The answer depends on local climate and the age and condition of the asphalt surface. For that reason, we provide our customers with a free periodic inspection of their parking surfaces and assist them in establishing a schedule and budget for necessary pavement service and repair.
Two key elements in any progressive maintenance plan are periodic crack sealing and sealcoating on a three-year cycle. The best protection against water penetration is sealing all cracks with a hot-applied rubberized joint sealant that meets federal specifications. The superior flexibility and durability of this product, even at very low temperatures, allows it to block water seepage through cracks even under the harshest winter conditions.
Once visible cracks have been sealed, an application of sealcoat will protect and beautify your parking surfaces. The primary benefit of sealcoat is that it greatly slows the whole asphalt degradation process. The natural destruction of paved surfaces begins with solar ultraviolet oxidation of the asphalt binder, leading to shrinkage and cracking. Sealcoat is an effective sun block for your pavement.
Don't budget in the blind
A top-notch pavement specialist will not only provide a pavement maintenance plan, but will also provide accurate budget figures for that plan!
Pavement is a major investment for most property managers. The little time needed to properly screen the contractor who services your asphalt is well worth the effort, and can eventually save you thousands of dollars.
Your pavement contractor can be your best resource in attaining the longest life from your pavement while avoiding liability pitfalls. At U.S. Seal-Coat & U.S. Paving, we provide our customers with free pavement inspection and consultation services, and regularly provide cost effective solutions to a variety of pavement problems.

Michael Musto is president of U.S. Seal-Coat & U.S. Paving, Woburn, Mass.


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