Cianciolo, Corda, Desimone, Dwyer, King, Kingdon, Megenedy, Nelson, Pelletier, Strazie and Taranto of Structure Tone earn LEED AP designation

April 15, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering
Eleven employees of Structure Tone, Inc., Boston have recently achieved recognition as LEED Accredited Professionals.Jared Cianciolo, Lesley Corda, Steven Desimone, Patrick Dwyer, Patrick King, Keith Kingdon, Ryan Megenedy, David Nelson, Michael Pelletier, John Strazie, and Paul Taranto have earned the LEED AP designation.
Jennifer Taranto has been elected to the executive committee for the USGBC affiliate Massachusetts Membership Forum Leadership Council.
Throughout the past year, Structure Tone has completed projects ranging from eco-friendly to LEED-CI Gold Certification. For clients including Bingham McCutchen, LLP, Bank of America, CISCO Systems, Citibank, Deutsche Bank, Margulies Peruzzi Architects, and TRO Jung-Brannen.
In order to achieve the client's sustainability goals or their LEED certification, Structure Tone assists by helping clients determine their objectives, advising on how to best to earn LEED credits and advocates for the client with vendors, subcontractors and manufactures. Structure Tone provides support in project administration, detailed documentation, and clarifications as required by the USGBC reviewers. Thorough collaboration and approach to high performance design and construction continues to make us successful in meeting any project's green objective.
The Structure Tone organization is a worldwide leader in construction services and includes Structure Tone, Inc., Structure Tone International, Constructors & Associates, Pavarini Construction Co., and Pavarini McGovern. Our companies employ over 1,650 professionals in 20 offices nationally and throughout the world.


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