Cityside Management Corp. attends IMN Single Family Aggregation REO to Rental Forum

January 03, 2013 - Owners Developers & Managers
Executives from Cityside Management Corp. added well informed perspectives to the discussions at the IMN Single Family Aggregation REO to Rental Forum held in November in Scottsdale, Az. Cityside's marketing consultant, Marlene Minemier sat on two panels and served in part as the company's voice in the lively panel discussions. Her Cityside colleagues Lionel Hotard, COO and Mandy Zied-Ryan, VP of client services and Michael O'Brien, marketing manager also attended the IMN conference.
As expected, there were weighty and delicate issues on the agenda as well as emerging opportunities. The focus of the conference was on a new and emerging asset class: REO-to-Rental. Other key Issues discussed included views from the Federal Government on the changing REO industry, securitizing rental streams - an unprecedented endeavor, and working through the challenges of bank-owned, single-family workout & disposition strategies. Also discussed were strategic alliances, public/private partnerships and how municipalities and not-for-profits can work together.
Cityside is headquartered in Manchester, NH and operates five field offices throughout the United States that support the company in providing its single-source portfolio management services to high-volume real estate owners, including government agencies and private institutions.


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